For support, please see the clickable U.S. map on this Support page or click below to also get to the information on each region. Student Farmers has used the U.S. Federal Region breakdown to organize our Student Ambassadors and Mentors.
Region 1 : CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT
Region 2 : NY and NJ
Region 3 : DE, Washington, DC, MD, NJ, PA, VA, and WV
Region 4 : AL, FL, GA, KY, MI, NC, SC, and TN
Region 5 : IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI
Region 6 : AR, LA, NM, OK, and TX
Region 7 : IA, KS, MO, and NE
Region 8 : CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY
Region 9 : AZ, CA, HI, and NV
Region 10 : AK, ID, OR, and WA