Region 8 includes CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY

Student Farmers region 8

Student Farmers is pleased to provide these resources in this region of the U.S. Since we launched in early 2022, we may not have Student Ambassadors and Mentors in each state. Please Contact Us if you would like to lend your support, and we will review and include you accordingly.


Student Ambassador (high school) and email

Student Ambassador (college) and email

Mentor and email


Student Ambassador (high school) and email

Student Ambassador (college) and email

Mentor and email

North Dakota

Student Ambassador (high school) and email

Student Ambassador (college) and email

Mentor and email

South Dakota

Student Ambassador (high school) and email

Student Ambassador (college) and email

Mentor and email


Student Ambassador (high school) and email

Student Ambassador (college) and email

Mentor and email


Student Ambassador (high school) and email

Student Ambassador (college) and email

Mentor and email